'Unless the Lord builds the city, the builders will labor in vain' (Ps 126)

The Gloriosa Trinità Way is founded on 5 PILLARS:

1) Christological: Jesus Christ is the center of our life, everything begins from Him and leads to Him, He is Alpha and Omega; all our steps, gestures, works and intentions must start from Him and lead to Him, everything must be done for Christ, in Christ, and with Christ. The culmination of Christ's centrality in The culmination of Christ's centrality in our life is the Cross, a combat instrument proposed by God himself to all of us, which leads us to the daily and definitive victory over evil. We want to embrace this instrument by following all the paths suggested by the Holy Trinity.

2) Anthropological: it is our desire to enter man's life and share his difficulties, immerse ourselves in his sufferings, know how to be moved, have compassion; accompanying him in Jesus both in darkness and in light.

3)Ecclesial: Christ established the Church for the salvation of man. In the Church, a community of believers, we learn to live the community aspect of faith, to incarnate it in the environments where we live. We are proud to belong to the Catholic Church with its joys and difficulties, common to every experience of community life. Jesus Christ himself, the high priest and pastor of the Church, teaches us to live the joys, embrace and overcome difficulties, uniting us as a great family of the Sons of God.

4) Charismatic: We want to open ourselves to the gifts of the Holy Spirit by invoking him in each of our prayers.

5) Aimed at Evangelization: we feel we are on a mission to announce to everyone that Jesus loves us in a simple, sincere and direct way. Through this kerygmatic way of evangelizing we wish to reach all environments: offices, schools, streets, clubs, cultural and sports environments ... etc.

The spiritual identity of the members of the Gloriosa Trinità Movementis characterized by:

Communion of Hearts: a gift from God, a charism that we recognize, live and that we are called to care for and defend; it creates a community without walls, people who have the same desires, the same thoughts, who direct their souls towards Jesus, even at a distance. This gift is offered by God through prayer and moments of community life. It opens us to mutual esteem, to total trust that excludes divisions and jealousies.

Suffering: we recognize that suffering is the fundamental weapon which, if lived in Jesus, leads to victories in all the events of spiritual and daily life, both in the details and in the most important things in life. Each of us experiences suffering as a participation in that of Jesus (kenosis). We are convinced that in Jesus there is no death without Resurrection, this gives us the strength to hope.

Smallness of the heart: it is our desire to become small, to completely forget ourselves in order to let Jesus grow and us diminish. We want to consume ourselves like candles, illuminating and perfuming the environments where the Lord will send us, trying to emanate the perfume of Jesus and not ours, his light and not ours.

Obedience: we cannot follow the way of Jesus except through obedience, as He was obedient to the Father. Obedience to the Catholic Church is a fundamental pillar for the success of our journey. We wish to be attentive listeners and disseminators of the Pope’s and Bishops’ teachings, following the indications of the Magisterium. We live first of all in obedience to the guiding Priest, as a manifestation of the will of God, and to all the Priests who have a position within the Way.

Service: Service is a sign of how much each of us embodies Jesus in our own life. Witnessing and announcing what Jesus did is not a duty, but an expression of love. Education in service teaches us to be generous and to live charity. We want to express a selfless and authentic service.

Know us

Gloriosa Trinità wishes to build a “Community without walls” where people, while continuing to remain in their own specific reality of life, live in profound communion of hearts, sharing the same path. Particular attention is paid to those who live in a difficult moment, feeling lost, rejected or even failed. This Way offers its own human and spiritual resources to the Parishes that wish it, in support of youth and family ministry.


The Eucharist is the center of our spirituality. During Eucharistic Adoration, in the personal conversation with the living and true God, life choices and decisions are born. In addition to silent adoration, we have community adoration meetings: prayer, songs of praise and deepening of the Word are authentic moments of healing through the power of communion, which transfigure our heart and our life.

Virgin Mary

We live our journey under the protection of the Most Holy Mary, whose intercession we resort to through the prayer of the Rosary, in order to bring Jesus into the world, serve God and intercede for our neighbor in Communion, as She did. The image of Mary Queen of Refuge is welcomed in the various communities of the world, which testify the graces received by Her. Each Feast of the Virgin Mary is celebrated with gratitude and the pilgrimage to the shrines dedicated to Her is a source of novelty on the journey, thanks to Her vigilant and caring motherhood.


The Gloriosa Trinità Music Project wishes to place the charism of music and song at the service of building the person and the entire community, as a channel through which the Holy Spirit passes, a way for a stronger encounter with God, to praise and love Him more. Gloriosa Trinità Music presents the musical initiatives of the Movement and promotes musical evangelization events, also in agreement with entities that request it.



Ecclesial acknowledgments

In the Church, Mother and Teacher, we learn the example of holiness, witnessed in those who live it, we drink from its spiritual source and feed on its teaching through the magisterium.

To this end Gloriosa Trinità takes part in the great meeting events that the Church proposes to us: the World Youth Days; the World Meetings with Families; the World Meetings with the Movements. In 2018 the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity invited the Movement to participate in the Global Christian Forum, representing the Catholic Church.

In the interview that Gloriosa Trinità granted to TV2000 during the Pentecost Vigil of the Movements and New Communities with Pope Francis in Rome in 2013, we shared our charism and our ecclesial pillar: watch the interview.

H.E. Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi (+ 2017), Archbishop of Milan, in the decree approving the Statute of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement (Prot.gen.n.1071), signed on April 4, 2007, states: “I believe that the Gloriosa Trinità Movement Association is to be considered in all respects a private association of the faithful, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Canon Law”.

H. E. Monsignor Stanislaw Stefanek (+ 2020), Bishop of Łomza (Poland), delivers the Decree approving the Statute of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement (Prot. N. 299/13/2007) signed on March 6, 2007.

H.E. Mons.Gervasio Gestori, Bishop Emeritus of San Benedetto del Tronto, Ripatransone, Montalto, on 21 November 2010, Feast of Christ the King, approved the Gloriosa Trinità Movement, according to the provisions of the Code of Canon Law (Decree Prot. 66 / 210).

H.E. Mons. Edward Ozorowskii, Bishop of Białystok (Poland) on February 5, 2013, approved the Gloriosa Trinità Movement, according to the provisions of the Code of Canon Law.
To God the Father, to Jesus the Savior and to the Holy Spirit we give glory for his infinite mercy and thank Mary, the Most Sweet Mother, for her provident presence.

H.E. Mons. Aleksander Kaszkiewicz, Bishop of Grodno and President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Belarus, on 11 April 2013 approved the Statute of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement, in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law (Prot. 31 / B / 2013).

Gloriosa Trinità Movement private association of faithful is recognized and welcomed as such in the Archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo in the person of the pro-tempore Archbishop Edoardo Menichelli [created Cardinal on 4 January 2015 by H.H. Francis]. “The associates of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement Association aspiring to the ordained ministry will be incardinated in the Diocese of Ancona-Osimo which will take care of their stay in the Pius XI Regional Seminary of Ancona”
(Ancona, 8 September 2014, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

H.E. Mons. Jerzy Mazur, Bishop of Ełk (Poland), approved the Statute of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement on February 15, 2017, in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law (Prot. N. 113/2017).
Let us thank God for this new recognition of the Church in Poland!

May 28, 2013
Pentecost vigil of the movements and new communities with Pope Francis

24 – 28 April 2018
The 3rd Global Christian Forum was held in Bogota (Colombia), a meeting with representatives of all Christian Churches on the theme: “Let mutual love continue!”. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity invited the Gloriosa Trinità Movement to participate, representing the Catholic Church.


General Council

Don Andrea Swiecinski President
Don Jacek Czaplicki
Elena Pecori Giraldi Coordinator
Corso Pecori Giraldi
Magdalena Jakacka
Giovanni Casi
Massimo Casi
Luisa Cattaneo

Consiglio Nazionale Italia

Corso Pecori Giraldi: Secretary
Carla Giuliani
Marco De Padova: Secretary of Central Italy
Enza Castellone: Secretary City of Villaricca (NA)
Marisa Palluello: – Secretary City of Milan – Consacrated people’s Moderator
Antonietta Talamo: Consacrated people’s Moderator
Elena Pecori Giraldi: Consacrated people’s Moderator
Paolo Palluello: Leaders’ Moderator
Daniela Casi: Leaders’ Moderator
Massimo Casi: Leaders’ Moderator

Council of the City of Milan

Marisa Palluello Secretary
Tiziana Latella Coordinator
Paolo Palluello
Ippolita Scicchitano
Daniele Scicchitano
Anna Famà

Council of the City of Villaricca

Enza Castellone Secretary
Pina Acunzo Coordinator
Luigi Castellone
Rossana Vitiello
Crescenzo Vitiello
Monica Perez

Council of the City of Central Italy

Marco De Padova Secretary
Lucia Graciotti Coordinator
Mariangela De Padova
Maria Teresa De Angelis
Pietro Casi
Giuseppe Rella

In Italy the Movement is present:

S. Maria Ausiliatrice Parish
S. Maria della Consolazione Sanctuary
S. Bartolomeo Parish

Houses (Atelier)

Sacramentini Sanctuary
S. Giuseppe Church

S. Giovanni Battista Parish

S. Francesco Parish

In the world Gloriosa Trinità Movement is present in:

Diocese of Łomża
Diocese of Białystock
Diocese of Ełck

Diocese of Grodno

Diocese of Vilkaviškis