Who We are
The Gloriosa Trinità way is aimed at all people, in any state of life, who wish to deepen, discover or rediscover their faith. It is a way dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the model of the perfect family to which we wish to inspire ourselves to live our community life.
Through Gloriosa Trinità, people can discover or rediscover their own identity as children of God, walking the path of holiness in daily life and in their own environment.
Young people
Young people are a precious richness that nourishes the very life of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement. Through the personal and community experience of the relationship with God, in the Word, in Adoration and in the Eucharistic Celebration, young people discover that they are children of God, loved, desired, called for the Kingdom. The journey in the Community aims to consolidate the bonds of friendship, to help children to give a profound meaning to everything and to educate them in virtues through life together.
The family is an icon of the Trinity. Gloriosa Trinità addresses families, separated, divorced and remarried people, and proposes a path of preparation for Catholic Christian marriage. Starting from personal conversion, from a life of prayer and from formation, each one is supported and accompanied in being spouse, mother, father, son. Even those who participate without a spouse find nourishment to live their vocation to the full, becoming a channel for the presence of the Holy Spirit at home. Families in irregular situations are welcomed and supported to undertake a path that, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, leads to discern the way to live Jesus’ love. Widowers experience the acceptance of their own pain and the grace of opening their hearts to a new experience of communion and service.
Legions of Mary
The Legions of Mary are a community without walls of people who have decided to follow and serve Jesus through the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, after one month course of Spiritual Exercises.
Here is how Don Andrea explained what it means to be part of the Legions of Mary:
“We must realize one thing: the world is changing in this historical moment, new skies and a new earth are being created, a new era. We must look closely at what this marriage consists of, which God wants to celebrate with humanity, we are his bride and he is the bridegroom.
Three words about this marriage tell us what it means to be a Legionary of Mary: engaged, consort, spouses Being engaged: as Saint Augustine used to say, Lord, let me, after finding you, immediately start looking for you. Being married: carrying the same weight, carrying the brother’s weight with the brother. Being spouses: being a sponsor, speaking well of the other, not thinking about ourselves, but sponsoring the other.
A new humanity is about to be born. The world will never go back to the way it was before and God wants us to become protagonists of this time, that we are witnesses in this time. We must create the Legions of Mary, peple who are engaged to God and humanity, who are consorts, who carry each other’s burdens without crying and without complaining, who are spouses who do not think self-centeredly about themselves, but they think of others”.
Homily 09.03.20
The Trinitarians fully recognize themselves in the identity of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement, with a particular commitment to service. They are people who love Jesus and wish to give themselves, humble and zealous, who, after at least a year of attendance in the Movement and formative meetings, take on some ministries of service to support the work of evangelization, living a rule of life.
The journey of the Trinitarians lasts one year. Follow the video to find out more. Follow the video to find out more.
Consecrated people
People who have adhered to the spirituality of Gloriosa Trinità and wish to make a deeper journey begin a path that, after three years, leads to the Consecration to God in private form for the purposes of the Movement, which is confirmed after the next five years.
Consecration consists in the desire to give Jesus one’s time and prayer for the purposes of the Movement.
Priests and Seminarians
They are men of the Eucharist from which they draw the strength to create relationships. They are men of the Word of God which they meditate every day and announce in a kerygmatic way through preaching inspired by the Holy Spirit. They are Marian men who, through their own testimony, teach faithful love and trust in Mary and the joy of welcoming Her into their lives. They are men of service embodied with humility and smallness of heart, trying to be last in order to make Jesus pass forward. They are men of communion of hearts, brothers among brothers, examples of dedication and pastoral guidance of souls and generators of reconciled life. . They are Tithing men, sharing their money, time, service beyond what is necessary. They are always available for the evangelization fishing that the Lord organizes and which begins with small daily, generous and voluntary offerings. They are men who allow themselves to be formed, to the end, in order to grow in adherence to the charism and mission of the Movement.
Gloriosa Trinità favors and welcomes the birth of authentic priestly vocations. The training of seminarians takes place at the Regional Seminary of the Archdiocese of Ancona, as established in the Document of recognition signed by Cardinal Edoardo Menichelli on 8 September 2014 The foundation of their journey is the centrality of intimacy life with God, Spousal Love according to the Charism of the Movement, love for the Word of God, devotion to the Virgin Mary, building healthy human relationships in the fraternity of life in common and profound pastoral charity.