A community without walls

Gloriosa Trinità Catholic Movement

In 2000 Jesus inspired Fr Andrea Swiecinski, ordained as a priest in the Diocese of Lomza in 1993, the desire to carry out a project for the rehabilitation of nowadays families and young people. The Gloriosa Trinità journey is aimed at all those who wish to deepen, discover or rediscover their faith. Three years later this project had its concrete realization in the birth of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement.

Don Andrea Swiecinski

Three years later this project had its concrete realization in the birth
of the Gloriosa Trinità Movement.

“It doesn't matter how many days you have,
there is life in every day!”

Don Andrea Swiecinski

Where to meet

” I remember that very important day, as it was today!
Un’esperienza fantastica che mi ha aperto il cuore e mi ha fatto conoscere una comunità di fratelli”.

Let yourself be touched, it’s also for you! Below our weekly appointments.

Following the COVID19 emergency, the appointments will change,
as for the meetings of the Movement we invite you to consult the News section.


h 9.15pm S. Bartolomeo Church Via Moscova 6 – Milan - Italy


Every Monday in the Church of San Bartolomeo, in Via Moscova 6 in Milan, at 9.15 pm, community prayer meeting. The evening begins with the prayer of praise followed by the catechesis of Fr Andrea Swiecinski, then shared through individual testimonies. We end the meeting with the intercession prayer. We are looking for you! Cause COVID 19, the Atelier meeting is taking place at the same time on an online platform. To participate, you can send an email to info@gloriosatrinita.com


h1.15pm – Sanctuary S. Maria della Consolazione
Piazza Cairoli – Milan – Italy


Every Tuesday from 1:15 pm to 1:50 pm in the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Consolazione, in Piazza Cairoli in Milan, Holy Mass is celebrated for all workers It is an opportunity within the reach of those who work in the city center and want to re-oxygenate themselves with the Word and the Body of Jesus, to then bring the love they have received to others in their work environment, family and friends.


Exposure of the Holy Sacrament h8 am - h5.30 pm
Holy Mass for Workers h1.15pm
Evening Eucharistic Adoration h 9.15pm
S. Bartolomeo Church
Via Moscova 6 – Milan - Italy


Every Thursday, during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, among the proposed appointments: Morning Lauds, Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Sacrament of Reconciliation.
At 1.15 pm the Holy Mass for Workers takes place, at a special time designed to offer those who work a moment of encounter with Jesus and nourishment for the heart during the working day.
Exposure of the Holy Sacrament h8 am - h5.30 pm We meet on Thursday at 9.15 pm in San Bartolomeo Church, in Via Moscova 6 in Milan..


H6pm S. Maria Ausiliatrice Parish
Via della Ferrera 11 – Milan – Italy


Every Sunday at h6:00 at Santa Maria Ausiliatrice Parish, Via della Ferrera 11 in Milan, Festive Holy Mass. The celebration is animated by the Gloriosa Trinità Movement.
The celebration is animated by the Gloriosa Trinità Movement.


h 9pm
2nd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH HOLY MASS (San Benedetto, Grottammare e Numana)
h 6pm
S. Giuseppe Church S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP)


The evening begins at 9:00 pm with prayer, followed by the catechesis of Fr Andrea who introduces us to the Mystery of the Love of God. Cause COVID 19, the Atelier meeting is taking place at the same time on an online platform. To participate: info@gloriosatrinita.com Every second Sunday of the month the Community animates the Rosary at h5.30pm, the Holy Mass at h6.00pm and Eucharistic Adoration at h7.00pm in San Giuseppe Church in Via Francesco Crispi 20, .




The young families of the Community of Grottammare meet online to experience the Atelier every Monday at 9.15 pm. La preghiera di lode e di ringraziamento introduce l'ascolto della catechesi di Don Andrea. Terminiamo l'incontro con la preghiera di intercessione per i fratellie che il Signore mette sul nostro cammino. To participate, you can send an email to info@gloriosatrinita.com

Last Thursday of the month

h 9.15pm Santuario dei Sacramentini Church


Every last Thursday of the month at h9.15pm in the Santuario dei Sacramentini Church, Via F. Crispi 20 in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy.
A meeting of Adoration where we open our hearts to a true and deep relationship with Jesus who is alive and present, letting ourselves be guided by His Word.


San Giovanni Battista Church


Every Friday at h9:00pm, in San Giovanni Battista Church, Numana Community meets for Atelier.
The prayer of praise, animated by songs, precedes the catechesis of Fr Andrea Swiecinski.
After the catechesis, everyone can freely share his own experiences of faith and what struck him most about the theme proposed by Fr Andrea.
In the Atelier an atmosphere of communion is created and each one is enriched by the experience of the others.
Read here (Stages of the Way) to find out what the Atelier is


h 9.15pm


Every Monday at 9.15 pm the Villaricca Community (NA) lives the Atelier meeting online. The meeting begins with the prayer of praise followed by the catechesis of Fr Andrea Swiecinski and sharing. If you want to participate in the Atelier, send an email to info@gloriosatrinita.com The community of Villaricca, every first Saturday of the month and every third Sunday, animates the parish Holy Mass at 7 pm.


… Only You can melt that ice in my heart! Below our special meetings! Below our special meetings!

In the News section you will find all the appointments scheduled in this difficult period of pandemic. 

, normal programming is suspended for the moment.


Don Andrea Swiecinski

Nasce il 10 Novembre 1968 a Grajewo, in Polonia.

Ordinato sacerdote nel 1993, comincia il suo ministero nella Diocesi di Łomza.

Nel 1998 viene inviato per un’esperienza pastorale a Milano dove, il 2 Aprile 1999, Venerdì Santo, durante la celebrazione della Via Crucis riceve una profonda grazia di conversione e rinnovamento del suo sacerdozio.

Nell’Agosto del 2000, durante un’Adorazione Eucaristica, riceve l’ispirazione del progetto che si chiamerà Movimento Gloriosa Trinità.

Consacrato a Dio per questo fine in forma privata insieme a dodici laici, alla presenza di P. Flaviano Tabbia, loro padre spirituale, tre anni dopo realizza questo progetto.

Dopo quattro anni torna a Łomza in Polonia e anche là fonda il Movimento.

Dal 2008 risiede a Milano nella Parrocchia di S. Maria Ausiliatrice con incarichi pastorali ed è stato nominato Confessore presso il Duomo.

Il 13 Aprile 2017 è stato designato Canonico Onorario del Capitolo della Cattedrale di Łomza.

Sacerdote con un forte carisma di predicazione, ha guidato gli Esercizi Spirituali per sacerdoti e Religiose.

E’ autore di testi e musiche di canti contenuti nei CD pubblicati dal Movimento.

Qualche data

2000: nasce il Movimento Gloriosa Trinità

2003: è istituita la Fondazione Regina del Rifugio

2004: inizia il Cammino del Movimento a Milano

2004: fondazione del Movimento in Polonia

2005: prima Congregation Internazionale (Polonia)

2006: fondazione del Movimento in Bielorussia

2008: prime Consacrazioni

2014: prima Assemblea dei Consacrati

2016: inizia il Cammino dei Trinitari

2018: fondazione del Movimento in Lituania

2020: Consacrazione al Cuore Immacolato di Maria – Nascita delle Legioni di Maria

Fr Andrea Swiecinski

He was born on November 10, 1968 in Grajewo, Poland.

Ordained as a priest in 1993, he began his ministry in the Diocese of Łomza.

In 1998 he was sent for a pastoral experience to Milan where, on 2 April 1999, Good Friday, during the celebration of the Via Crucis, he received a profound grace of conversion and renewal of his priesthood.

In August 2000, during a Eucharistic Adoration, he received the inspiration for the project that will be called Gloriosa Trinità Movement.

Consecrated to God for this purpose in private form together with twelve lay people, in the presence of Fr. Flaviano Tabbia, their spiritual father, three years later he realized this project.

After four years he returned to Łomza in Poland and founded the Movement there too.

Since 2008 he has been residing in Milan in the parish of S. Maria Ausiliatrice with pastoral duties and has been appointed Confessor at the Duomo.

On 13 April 2017 he was appointed Honorary Canon of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Łomza.

Priest with a strong preaching charisma, he led the Spiritual Exercises for priests and nuns.

He is the author of lyrics and song music contained in the CDs published by the Movement.

A few dates

2000: the Gloriosa Trinità Movement is born

2003: the Regina del Rifugio Foundation is established

2004: the Path of the Movement begins in Milan

2004: foundation of the Movement in Poland

2005: first International Congregation (Poland)

2006: foundation of the Movement in Belarus

2008: first consecrations

2014: first Assembly of the Consecrated people

2016: the Trinitarian Way begins

2018: foundation of the Movement in Lithuania

2020: Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Birth of the Legions of Mary